Institute of Energy Saving and Energy Management


                                                                                              First Vice-Rector

                                                                                                                                Y. I Yakimenko

                                                                                   (signature)                     (initials, last name)

                                                                                              «   30   »          of March       2017



of the academic discipline

of preparation of bachelors

of engineering specialties of the University

                                                                                   Approved by the methodological council


                                                                                   Minutes of 30.04. 2017 № 7

Deputy Chairman of the Methodological concil


                                                                                     (signature)                  (initials, last name)

                                                                                              «____» ______________ 2017

Kyiv 2017

The programme developers:

Head of the Department, Doctor of Technical Science,                                      

Professor Levchenko Oleg Grigorovich                                                                                                           

(position, academic degree, academic title, surname, name, patronymic)                                              (signature)

Associate Professor, Cand. tech. of sciences,                                                      

Associate Professor Polukarov Alexey Igorevich                                                                                  

(position, academic degree, academic title, surname, name, patronymic)                                              (signature)

Associate Professor, Cand. tech. of Sciences,                                                      

Associate Professor Zatsarniy Victor Vasilevich                                                                                    

(position, academic degree, academic title, surname, name, patronymic)                                              (signature)

Assistant Professor Zemlyanska Olena Vasilivna                                                                           

(position, academic degree, academic title, surname, name, patronymic)                                              (signature)


The program was approved at the meeting of the Department of

Labour Protection, Industrial and Civil Safety

(full name of the department)

Minutes of February 22, 2017 No. 5

Head of the Department

                                    O, G. Levchenko

(signature)                        (initials, last name)

«   22   » of february 2017

©  NTUU «KPI», 20___ year


The program of the academic discipline               «Labor Protection and Civil Defense»              

(the name of the discipline)

is compiled in accordance with the educational and professional program of                bachelor’s           

(the name of the OCD)

preparation of all engineering specialties of the University on the basis of the Code of Labor Laws, Laws of Ukraine: «On Occupational Safety» of 14.10.1992 № 2694-XII (current edition – 04/05/2015), «On approval of the National Social Program for Improving the Safety, Health and Industrial Wednesday, 2014-2018» dated 04.04.2013 № 178-VII (current edition – 01.01.2015), «On the basics of National Security of Ukraine» dated 19.06.2003 № 964-IV (current edition – 07.08.2015); Of the Civil Protection Code of Ukraine, Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine: «On Approval of the Procedure for Training the Population in Emergency Situations» dated 26.06.2013 № 444, «On Approval of the Regulation on the Unified State Civil Protection System» of 09.01.2014 № 11, Ordinance of the Cabinet of Ministers Of Ukraine «On Approval of the Plan of Major Civil Protection Measures for 2016» of 06.04.2016 № 269-р, Model Regulations «On the Procedure of Conducting Training and Testing of Knowledge on Occupational Safety» (NAPAP 0.00-4.12-05), Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and the State Emergency Service of Ukraine dated 05.02.2015 No. 1 / 9-55 / 02- 1645/12 «On security measures for the possible risks of emergencies, acts of terrorism, sabotage, mining».

The discipline refers to the cycle of basic training.

The subject of the academic discipline is legislative, regulatory, socio-economic, engineering and sanitary-hygienic basics of life safety, labor safety and civil protection.

Interdisciplinary Relations: In the structural and logical scheme, the discipline «Labor Protection and Civil Defense» is studied at the stage of preparation of specialists of the bachelor level and is a discipline that uses the achievements and methods of fundamental, applied sciences and basic disciplines of the cycle of professional and practical training. This provides the opportunity to teach the discipline, taking into account the professional orientation of future professionals.

1. The purpose and objectives of the academic discipline

1.1. The purpose of the academic discipline.

The purpose of the academic discipline is to form future professionals with an awareness of the need and competencies to solve in primary positions the typical tasks of all areas of professional activity with the mandatory observance of the requirements of labor protection, responsibility for personal and collective safety in everyday and emergency situations, especially in emergency situations.

As a result of studying the discipline, bachelor’s degree in the relevant specialties should be able to solve typical professional tasks taking into account the requirements of occupational safety and civil protection and possess the following competencies:

-        use the provisions of legislative acts and normative-legal documents on labor protection and civil defense in their professional activity;

-        evaluate the hygienic conditions and the level of safety at separate workplaces and in production rooms;

-        perform in a primary position professional functions, responsibilities and powers in the field of labor protection, industrial and civil defense.

-        identify harmful and dangerous factors in the home and social environment, use basic methods of preserving life and health, including in emergency situations.

1.2. The main tasks of the academic discipline.

According to the requirements of the academic discipline program students must demonstrate the following learning outcomes after completing the credit module:


-          socio-economic, legislative, regulatory and organizational bases for labor protection and civil defense;

-          current problems, main tasks and principles of human security;

-          the basic provisions of occupational health and industrial sanitation;

-          organizational and technical foundations of industrial and fire safety;

-          responsibilities and procedures for dealing with emergencies and martial law.


in production and technological activity:

-          identify harmful and dangerous factors in the environment;

-          evaluate technological processes and equipment for compliance with the requirements of occupational safety and health standards;

-          select and operate modern collective and individual protection means;

in organizational and managerial activity:

-          evaluate the production environment for compliance with sanitary and hygienic requirements, use the results of certification of the sanitary and technical status of the unit and certification of workplaces;

-          assess the level of explosion and fire safety of the premises and ensure that fire prevention measures, facilities, devices and fire protection measures comply with regulatory requirements;

-          conduct and issue instructions on labor protection at workplaces;

-          take necessary actions in the event of accidents during the works;

-          determine the indices of the explosive fire hazard of the premises and choose the list and brands of primary fire extinguishers;

-          be qualified to act in accidents and emergency situations;

-          ensure that evacuation measures are effective;

-          evaluate the hygienic characteristics of working conditions in the workplace.

2. The structure of the academic discipline

The study of the academic discipline «Labor Protection and Civil Defense» is given 120 hours / 4 ECTS credits, it consists of one credit module.

Recommended allocation of study time


of education

Credit modules


Distribution of study time

by type of study sessions







Practical works

Laboratory works

Independent work of students


Full-time education (for technologically dangerous specialties)








Dif. Credit  

Full-time education (for








Dif. Credit








Dif. Credit

3. Contents of the academic discipline

Section 1. Safety of life and activity is the key to sustainable development

Model of human life and activity. Human security, society, national security. Security culture as an element of the general culture that realizes the protective function of humanity.

Axioms of life safety. Methodological basis and systematic approach in life safety. Hazard classification. Criteria for the transition of a dangerous event into an emergency.

Risk as a quantitative assessment of hazards. A general analysis of the risk and security issues of complex systems involving humans, the technosphere and the natural environment. Methodological approaches to risk determination. Risk identification and assessment methods. Individual and group risk. Acceptable risk concept. Risk management.

Global problems of humanity.

Socio-political conflicts using conventional weapons and mass media. Types of terrorism, its primary, secondary and cascading striking factors. Armed attacks, capture and retention of state-owned objects. Impact of modern information technologies on human health and public safety. Manipulation of consciousness. Corruption and criminalization of society. The gap in the standard of living between different sections of the population. Bad habits, social illnesses and their prevention. Crime as a factor of danger, its types. Concepts and varieties of the crowd. Man’s behavior in the crowd.

Human psychological stability and its role in security. Psychophysiological factors of potential danger of temporary and permanent action.

Classification of injuries according to the type of activity of the victim, according to the severity, depending on the factors influencing the form of manifestation. The importance of providing first aid for the preservation of the health and life of the victim. The procedure for providing first aid in different situations.

Section 2. Labor protection

Labor protection as a component of life safety. Structure of labor protection. Factors that determine sanitary and hygienic working conditions. General approaches to assessing working conditions and ensuring appropriate, safe and healthy working conditions. Industrial sanitation and safety.

Work area and work area air. Microclimate of the working area. Normalization and control of microclimate parameters. Measures and means of normalization of microclimate parameters.

Sources and estimation of air pollution by harmful substances. Measures and means of preventing air pollution in the work area. Ventilation and air conditioning

Classification of types and systems of industrial lighting. Basic requirements for industrial lighting. Hygienic assessment of lighting. Sources and devices of artificial lighting. General approach to the selection, optimization and operation of lighting systems.

Acoustic factors of the production environment. Hygienic assessment of vibration, noise, ultra – and infrasound in the workplace. Methods and means of collective and individual protection against acoustic factors.

Sources, features and classification of electromagnetic radiation and electric and magnetic fields. Characteristics of fields and radiations. Features of infrared radiation (IR), ultraviolet radiation (UR) and laser radiation. Hygienic assessment and protection against electromagnetic radiation and fields.

Sources and assessment of the risk of exposure to ionizing radiation in the workplace. Main directions, measures and means of protection of workers from radiation danger.

Psychophysiological harmful factors of the work process, their assessment and protection measures.

Hygienic classification of labor. Attestation of workplaces under working conditions.

Harmful classes of enterprises by sanitary standards. Sanitary requirements for industrial and auxiliary premises, location of production and office equipment, computer equipment and organization of workplaces.

The main sources and characteristics of the hazards inherent in the industry.

General safety requirements for process equipment and processes. Workplace safety requirements. Colors, security signs, and signaling. Standard requirements for machine safety measures. Workplace safety tools and instruments. Safety of operation of automatic machines and robots.

Safety during operation of special systems and types of work. Security requirements and modern measures and means of collective and individual protection of workers in the performance of certain types of work, characteristic of typical industrial and non-productive enterprises or organizations of the industry (fields of activity in the specialty).

Electric current as a danger factor. Classification of premises by the degree of danger of electric shock. Areas of increasing the safety of operation of electrical installations. Remedies for direct and indirect contact. Electrical protective means (EPM). Protective measures in electrical installations.

General understanding of the basics of the theory of the origin, development and cessation of combustion. Indicators of fire and explosion hazard of substances and materials. Categories of premises by explosion and fire hazard. Classification of explosive and fire-hazardous areas. The main directions of ensuring fire safety of objects of economic activity. Personnel actions in the event of a fire.

Legislation of Ukraine on labor protection. Basic principles of state policy of Ukraine in the field of labor protection. Guarantees of workers’ rights to labor protection, benefits and compensation for difficult and harmful working conditions. Duties of employees to comply with the requirements of normative legal acts on labor protection. Responsibility of officials and employees for violation of labor protection legislation. The system of public administration and supervision of labor protection.

Occupational safety and health legislation, standards and other national labor safety documents. Labor protection acts in the organization, their composition and structure. Safety instructions.

Convention and Recommendation of the International Labor Organization (ILO) in the field of labor protection. Legislation of the European Union on labor protection. Labor protection is part of the EU’s social policy. EU directives on labor protection.

The structure, main functions and tasks of management of labor safety in the organization. Essential Requirements for the Establishment and Operation of a Occupational Safety Management System (OSMS). Enterprise Occupational Safety Service. OHSAS 18001:2010 International Standard.

Principles of organization and types of training on labor protection. Labor protection briefings. Internship (duplication) and admission of employees to independent work.

Attestation of workplaces under working conditions. Map of working conditions.

Public control over the state of occupational safety in the organization.

Labor safety is an integral part of social responsibility. Definition and basic principles of social responsibility. Requirements to ensure occupational safety in the structure of social responsibility. Social insurance against accident and occupational disease at work.

Relationship between occupational safety and financial and economic performance. Financing of labor safety. Assessment of the effectiveness of labor costs. Labor protection as a tool for loss management.

Section 3. Civil defense of the population and territories

Legislative and regulatory framework for civil defense.

Emergency classification. State Emergency Service of Ukraine (SES of Ukraine). Subjects of civil defense. Basic principles of civil defense. Single State Civil Defense System (SSCD).

Rights and obligations of citizens of Ukraine in the field of civil defense. General principles of training and preparation of the population for emergency response. Civil defense training system. Programs of preparing the population for actions in emergencies.

Natural emergencies, factors of their manifestation and influence on human life and functioning of objects of economy. Determination of lesions. A set of organizational and engineering-technical measures to prevent and minimize the consequences of natural disasters.

Emergency situations of anthropogenic nature. Industrial accidents, catastrophes and their consequences. Characterization of lesions. Features of protection of the population.

General principles and methods of protecting the population and territories from emergencies. Notification and instruction in the emergency area, during military and special status. Rules of safe behavior in case of emergencies. Use of personal protective equipment, shelter of people in protective structures. Life support for victims in the emergency zones. Evacuation measures. The actions of the population, which was in the center of infectious diseases.

The tasks and responsibilities of civil protection entities. The structure of civil security in an entity. Civil protection measures at the business object. Ensuring security at enterprises, institutions and organizations as part of the sustainable functioning of a business entity. Conditions for sustainable operation of the business entity in case of emergency. Factors that affect the sustainability of a business entity. Set of organizational and protective measures. Criteria for evaluating the stability of an object. Ensuring reliable protection and life support for production personnel. Preparing for the resumption of business activity. Criteria and indicators for assessing the effectiveness of the security system and the protection of the facility in an emergency. A set of organizational measures to prevent and minimize the consequences of emergencies. The functions and responsibilities of the head of the business entity and the order of actions of personnel in the event of emergencies, during military and special conditions.

Organization of work on elimination of the consequences of emergencies at the object of economic activity. Carrying out of rescue and other urgent works. Localization and elimination of accidents. Conditions, sequence and methods of performing rescue and other emergency operations. Ways of decontamination, degassing and disinfection at a business object.

Safety measures during rescue operations.

4. Recommended topics of practical works

The purpose of the practical works is to deepen knowledge on specific topics of the lecture material and issues that are studied independently, the formation of skills: assessment of dangerous and harmful factors, influencing factors and their impact on human health, developing risk strategies to reduce the likelihood of risk realization and minimization possible negative consequences, first aid, emergency evacuation. During the practical classes, an interactive environment is created that will help students to develop creative thinking, ability to solve problems and develop practical skills.

The following topics of practical training are recommended:

  1. Impact of dangerous, dangerous and harmful factors on human health
  2. Determination of risk using probabilistic structural and logical models
  3. Risk calculation of probabilistic structural and logical models.
  4. Factors of radiation influence on a person.
  5. Impact of information factors on human health and safety.
  6. Social factors affecting human life and health.
  7. Psychotypes of people’s reaction to danger.
  8. Bad habits, social illnesses and their prevention.
  9. Stress resistance and its role in security.
  10. Influence of human temperament on performance and speed of decision making.
  11. Eating healthy as a guarantee of health.
  12. Basic first aid skills.
  13. Assessment and methods of ensuring compliance with the requirements of occupational safety of the air parameters of the work area
  14. Assessment and methods of ensuring compliance with the requirements of occupational safety of lighting parameters of industrial and office premises.
  15. Assessment and methods of ensuring compliance with the requirements of occupational safety of noise, ultra-infrared parameters at workplaces.
  16. Assessment and methods of ensuring compliance with the requirements of occupational safety vibration parameters.
  17. Assessment and methods of compliance with the requirements of occupational safety parameters of electromagnetic fields and radiation of the radio frequency range
  18. Assessment and methods for ensuring compliance with the requirements of the occupational safety parameters of optical radiation
  19. Calculation of ventilation and air conditioning systems.
  20. Analysis of the fire hazard of objects Methods and means of extinguishing fires.
  21. The object’s fire safety algorithm
  22. Assessment of the impact of hazards in the event of an explosive object. Recommendations for civilians.
  23. Evaluation of radiation situation in radiation contamination zones. Recommendations for civilians.
  24. Assessment of the impact of the People’s Republic of China in the event of a chemical hazardous object and transport.
  25. Assessment of stability of work of the object of economic activity at the NA.
  26. Assessment of the reliability of protection of workers and employees of an object of economic activity with the use of protective structures.
  27. Conducting training on evacuation activities within the territory of the University.

The topics of the practical classes are determined by the professional orientation of the bachelors training, selected and presented in the working curriculum of the discipline «Labour Safety and Civil Protection». It is allowed to expand the list and topics of practical classes, if required by the specifics and features of the relevant specialty.

5. Recommended list of laboratory works

The purpose of laboratory works are to master students the means and methods of researching the parameters of the production environment and the work process, the assessment of dangerous and harmful factors, the introduction of measures for their normalization and the use of means of protection.

Such topics of laboratory works are recommended:

  1. Assessment of the parameters of the air in the work area and respiratory protective equipment
  2. Research of parameters and estimation of efficiency of work of systems of ventilation
  3. Investigation of electrical safety of employees when working with electrical installations powered by three-phase power grids with different neutral mode
  4. Investigation of parameters of stepping voltages and efficiency of means of protection
  5. Assessment of hygienic characteristics of lighting of workplaces and premises
  6. Exploring ways to improve the efficiency and safety of use of workplace and room lighting systems
  7. Assessment of hygienic parameters of noise in the workplace. Investigation of the effectiveness of soundproofing structures.

The subject of the laboratory works that can be expanded is determined by the professional orientation in the corresponding direction of preparation of bachelors and is given in the working curriculum of the discipline «Labour Safety and Civil Protection».


6. References

6.1. Fundamentals of legislative and regulatory acts

6.1.1.   Конституція України. Основний закон України від 28.06.1996 № 254к/96-ВР

(поточна редакція – 30.09.2016) –

6.1.2.   Кодекс цивільного захисту України від 02.10.2012 № 5403-VI (поточна редакція –

05.10.2016) –

6.1.3.   Кодекс законів про працю України від 10.12.1971 № 322-VIII (поточна редакція –

05.10.2016) –

6.1.4.   Кодекс України про адміністративні правопорушення від 07.12.1984 № 8073-X

(поточна редакція – 27.07.2016) –

6.1.5.   Доктрина інформаційної безпеки України: від 29.12.2016. Про основи національної

безпеки України: Закон України від 19.06.2003 № 964-IV (поточна редакція –

07.08.2015) –

6.1.6.   Основи законодавства України про охорону здоров’я: Закон України від 19.11.1992

р. № 2801-XII (поточна редакція – 01.01.2016) –

6.1.7.   Про забезпечення санітарного та епідемічного благополуччя населення: Закон

України від 24.02.1994 № 4004-XII (поточна редакція – 28.12.2015) –

6.1.8.   Про охорону навколишнього природного середовища: Закон України від 25.06.1991

№ 1264-XII (поточна редакція – 01.01.2016) –

6.1.9.   Норми радіаційної безпеки України (НРБУ-97). – Київ: Відділ поліграфії

Українського центру Держсанепідемнагляду МОЗ України, 1998. – 125 с.

6.1.10. Про використання ядерної енергії та радіаційну безпеку: Закон України від

08.02.1995 № 39/95-ВР (поточна редакція – 26.10.2014) –

6.1.11. Про захист людини від впливу іонізуючих випромінювань: Закон України від 14

січня 1998 р. № 15/98-ВР (поточна редакція – 29.09.2013) – К., 1998.

6.1.12. Про затвердження Загальнодержавної соціальної програми поліпшення стану

безпеки, гігієни праці та виробничого середовища на 2014-2018 роки: Закон

України від 04.04.2013 (поточна редакція – 01.01.2015) –

6.1.13. Конвенція про основи, що сприяють безпеці й гігієні праці № 187: Міжнародний

документ від 15.06.2006 № 187 –

6.1.14. Про охорону праці: Закон України від 14.10.1992 № 2694-XII (поточна редакція –

05.04.2015) –

6.1.15. Про основні засади державного нагляду (контролю) у сфері господарської

діяльності: Закон України від 05.04.2007 № 877-V (поточна редакція – 01.01.2017) –

6.1.16. Про державний ринковий нагляд і контроль нехарчової продукції: Закон України

від 02.12.2010 № 2735-VI (поточна редакція – 10.02.2016) –

6.1.17. Про колективні договори і угоди: Закон України від 01.07.1993 № 3356-XII

(поточна редакція – 01.01.2015) –

6.1.18. Про загальнообов’язкове державне соціальне страхування: Закон України від

23.09.1999 № 1105-XIV (поточна редакція – 01.01.2017) –

6.1.19  ДСТУ 2272-2006 Пожежна безпека. Терміни та визначення основних понять.

6.1.20. ДБН В.2.5-28-2006 Природне і штучне освітлення

6.1.21. ДСТУ OHSAS 18001:2010 Системи управління гігієною та безпекою праці.


6.1.22. Реєстр нормативно-правових актів з охорони праці (НПАОП).

6.1.23. Про основи національної безпеки України: Закон України від 19.06.2003 № 964-IV

(поточна редакція – 07.08.2015) –

6.1.24. Про затвердження Порядку здійснення навчання населення діям у надзвичайних

ситуаціях: Постанова Кабінету міністрів України від 26.06.2013 № 444 –

6.1.25. Про затвердження Положення про єдину державну систему цивільного захисту:

Постанова Кабінету міністрів України від 09.01.2014 № 11 –

6.1.26. Про затвердження плану основних заходів цивільного захисту на 2016 рік:

Розпорядження Кабінету міністрів Українивід 06.04.2016 № 269-р –

6.1.27. Про заходи безпеки на можливі ризики виникнення надзвичайних ситуацій,

терористичних актів, диверсій, мінування: Лист Міністерства освіти і науки          України

та Державної служби України з надзвичайних ситуацій від 05.02.2015 р.

№ 1/9-55/02-1645/12 –

6.2.   Main literature

6.2.1.      Безпека життєдіяльності. Навч. посіб./за ред. Г.П. Демиденко. – К.: НТУУ «КПІ», 2008. – 300 с.

6.2.2.      Зацарний В.В., Праховнік Н.А., Землянська О.В., Зацарна О.В. Безпека життєдіяльності: Навчальний посібник – К.: НТУУ «КПІ» ІЕЕ, 2016. – електронне видання. /http: //

6.2.3.   Желібо Є. П., Заверуха Н. М., Зацарний В. В. Безпека життєдіяльності. Навч. посіб. / за ред. Є. П. Желібо. 6-е вид. –К.: “Каравела”, 2009. – 344 с.

6.2.4.   Основи охорони праці: підручник. [Ткачук К.Н., Халімовський М.О., Зацарний В.В., Зеркалов Д.В. та ін].. – К.: Основа, 2011. – 474 с.

6.2.5.   Основи охорони праці [Електронне видання] : підручник / К. Н. Ткачук, В. В. Зацарний, Д. В. Зеркалов, О. І. Полукаров [та ін] ; НТУУ «КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського». – Електронні текстові данні (1 файл: 7,4 Мбайт). – Київ : Основа, 2015. – 456 с. – Назва з екрана. – Доступ :

6.2.6.   Ткачук К. Н., Зацарний В. В., Каштанов С.Ф. та ін. Охорона праці та промислова безпека: навч. посіб. – К.: Лібра, 2010. – 559 с.

6.2.7.   Левченко О. Г., Полукаров О. І. Охорона праці у зварювальному виробництві: Навчальний посібник. –  К. : Основа, 2014. – 352 с.

6.2.8.   Третьяков О.В., Зацарний В.В., Безсонний В.Л. Охорона праці: Навчальний посібник з тестовим комплексом на CD / за ред. К.Н. Ткачука. – К.: Знання, 2010. – 167 с. + компакт-диск.

6.2.9.   Ткачук К.Н., Мольчак Я.О., Каштанов С.Ф., Полукаров О.І. та ін. Управління охороною праці: Навчальний посібник. – Луцьк: 2012. – 287 с.

6.2.10. Ткачук К.Н., Єсипенко А.С., Филипчук В.Л., Полукаров О.І. та ін. Система  державного нагляду за промисловою безпекою та охороною праці: Навчальний посібник. – Рівне: 2012. – 384 с.

6.2.11. Ткачук К.Н., Калда Г.С., Каштанов С.Ф.,  Полукаров О.І. та ін. Психологія праці та її безпеки: Навчальний посібник. – Хмельницький: 2011. – 135 с.

6.2.12. Ткачук К.Н., Филипчук В.Л.., Каштанов С.Ф., Зацарний В.В., Полукаров О.І. та ін. Виробнича санітарія: Навчальний посібник. – Рівне: 2012. – 443 с.

6.2.13. Міхеєв Ю. В., Землянська О.В. Цивільний захист. Конспект лекцій: електронне видання.

6.2.14. Васійчук В.О., Гончарук В.Є., Качан С.І., Мохняк С.М. Основи цивільного захисту: Навч. посібник / Львів, 2010.- 384 с.

6.2.15. Михайлюк В.О., Халмурадов Б.Д. Цивільна безпека: Навч. посібник.– К: Центр учбової літератури, 2008.– 158 с.

6.2.16. Русаловський А.В., Вендичанський В.Н. Цивільний захист: Навч. Посібн./За наук.ред. Запорожця О.І., – К.: АМУ, 2008, -250с.

6.2.17. Міхеєв Ю.В., Праховнік Н.А., Землянська О.В., Цивільний захист: Навчальний посібник – К.: Основа, 2014. – електронне видання.

6.2.18  Цивільний захист. Конспект лекцій: Міхеєв Ю.В., Землянська О.В. – К.: НТУУ «КПІ», 2015. – електронне видання. /http: //

6.2.19. Цивільний захист. Методичні вказівки до виконання практичних робіт: Міхеєв Ю.В., Землянська О.В. – К.: НТУУ «КПІ», 2016. – електронне видання. /http: //

6.2.20. Безпека життєдіяльності. Конспект лекцій. Праховнік Н.А., Зацарний В.В., Землянська О.В. – К.: НТУУ «КПІ» ІЕЕ, 2015. – електронне видання. /http: //

6.3. Additional literature

6.3.1.       ДСТУ 2293-99. Охорона праці. Терміни та визначення основних понять.

6.3.2.      Рекомендації щодо організації роботи кабінету промислової безпеки та охорони праці. Затверджені Головою Держгірпромнагляду 16.01.2008 р.

6.3.3.      Рекомендації щодо побудови, впровадження та удосконалення системи управління охороною праці, затверджені Головою Держгірпромнагляду 7.02.2008 р.

6.3.4.      Перелік професій, виробництв та організацій, працівники яких підлягають обов’язковим профілактичним медичним оглядам. Постанова Кабінету Міністрів України від 23 травня 2001 р. № 559.

6.3.5.      Директива Ради Європейських Співтовариств 89/391/ЕЕС «Про впровадження заходів, що сприяють поліпшенню безпеки й гігієни праці працівників».

6.3.6.      Конвенція МОП 187 «Про основи, що сприяють безпеці й гігієні праці».

7. Means of diagnostics of success of training

For the final complex diagnostics it is suggested to use credit cards, which should have at least three questions (one from each section) and two tasks. A typical list of questions / tasks is given in Appendix 1. which may be adjusted and supplemented in accordance with the content of the work module credit module for specific specialties.

8. Methodical recommendations

The educational program «Labor Protection and Civil Defense» is common for the preparation of bachelors of all engineering specialties of the University. In developing a work curriculum, the content of the work program can be adjusted by excluding and reducing or including, expanding and specifying particular items and issues in accordance with the specialty of the future specialist.

The final volumes of study of individual subjects of the discipline «Labor Protection and Civil Defense», as well as the allocation of study time by types of classes are determined by teachers and reflected in the work curricula. In the working program of the discipline, the tasks of studying the credit module are presented in the form of a system of specific knowledge, skills and competences, indicating the level of their formation in the direction in accordance with the educational and professional program.

The distribution of teaching time by type of classes (lectures, practical and laboratory works, independent work of students) is determined by the working program, developed by the graduating departments, taking into account the form of study.

The working programs of the discipline «Labor Protection and Civil Defense» are renewed annually, taking into account the development of science, technology, culture, economy, technology and social sphere.

The Department of Labor Safety, Industrial and Civil Protection in conjunction with the faculties and institutes of «Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute» provides students enrolled in individual programs with the opportunity to complete training tasks «Labor Protection and Civil Defense», on an individual program, including blended learning technology.

Assessment of the quality of mastering of the curriculum in the discipline tasks «Labor Protection and Civil Defense» includes the current control of student performance and crediting and is carried out in accordance with the Regulations on the Rating System of Assessment (RSA), which sets the peculiarities of the rating, taking into account the content specificity and distribution of study time by type of classes. The RSA is approved at a meeting of the Department of Occupational Safety, Industrial and Civil Security and is annexed to the working educational program.

Terms of the educational program.

The Department of Labor Safety, Industrial and Civil Protection develops (if necessary) specified educational and work programs of the discipline «Labor Protection and Civil Defense», methodological support of individual classes and independent work of students and approves them at the relevant faculties and institutes.