Discipline “Occupational safety in the industry” refers to the cycle of professional and practical training.

Study of topical issues of labor protection for a particular economic sector,  scientific – research  and economic activities taking into account characteristics of the future professional activity of the graduates, as well of scientific and technological  achievements  is the subject of discipline “Occupational safety in the industry”.

The formation in future specialists (magister) awareness of the need to solve typical tasks in all areas of future professional activity at primary positions with the strict observance of safety requirements and standards on protection of labor as well as acquisition  of required for this skills  (competencies) and is the aim discipline “Occupational safety in the industry.”

For the study of the discipline is given 30 hours / 1 credit  ECTS.  The discipline consists of a loan of the same name of the module. Recommended allocation of teaching time: full-time education (lectures – 18 hrs., independent work of students – 6 hrs;  certification per semester  – differential setoff), extramural studies (lectures – 6 hrs., Practical classes – 2 hrs., independent work of students – 16 hrs., certification per semester – differential setoff).

Educational-methodical maintenance of discipline

(determined and adjusted  each teacher on their own, taking into account the specifics of the OHS issues in a particular industry)

1. Tkachuk K.N., Zatsarny V.V. et al. / Labor protection and industrial safety: Textbook. -Kiev: Libra, 2010.- 558 p.

2. Tkachuk K.N., Molchak J.A., Kashtanov S.F., Polukarov A.I. et al. Management of occupational safety and health: Textbook. – Lutsk: 2012. – 287 p.

3. Tkachuk K.N., Yesipenko A.S., Filipchuk V.L, Polukarov A.I. et al. The system of state supervision over industrial safety and labor protection: Textbook. – Rivno: 2012. – 384 p.

Description of the module credit «Occupational safety in the field»

Lectures on the credit module “Occupational safety in the field” annotation