(Українська) О. Г. Левченко. Сварочные аэрозоли и газы: процессы образования, методы нейтрализации и средства защиты


O. G. Levchenko. Welding aerosols and gases: formation processes, methods of neutralization and protection. – Kiev: Naukova Dumka, 2015. – 248 p.

The monograph deals with the formation of aerosols and gases in electric arc welding, their research methods, sanitary and hygienic characteristics of manual arc welding with coated electrodes, submerged arc welding and mechanized welding in shielding gases. Data are given on the chemical classification of welding aerosols, methods for neutralizing them and minimizing emissions. Described information system of the hygienic characteristics of welding materials, modern means of local ventilation for the working places of welders and of individual protection of respiratory organs.

For scientific and engineering staff engaged in the development of welding materials and technologies, occupational safety and environmental issues in welding production, modern means of local ventilation and individual protection of welders.

Fig. 96. Tab. 29. Bibliography: 247 titles

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