EU-OSHA cooperation with Ukraine

EU-OSHA cooperation with Ukraine: Conference on Organising the State Labour Service of Ukraine and the 3rd Scientific Conference on Risk Management in Kiev.
European Agency for Safety and Health at Work

On 19-21 May, in Kiev, Ukraine, the tripartite seminar “Organizing the State Labour Service of Ukraine” was conducted. It was jointly organised by the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the State Labour Service of Ukraine. EU-OSHA was invited by the Head of the State Labour Service, Mr Roman Chernega, along with representatives from the Polish Labour Inspectorate and the EU Delegation to Ukraine to participate in the conference.

The conference  was an opportunity for the ILO to present its view on the State Labour Service Regulations and for social partners, researchers and representatives from different government bodies to discuss, with the participation of international experts, the structure and role of the new State Labour Service for Ukraine, which was established in 2014.

The discussions were positive and informative with all stakeholders engaged, demonstrating a strong commitment to developing an efficient and effective system of labour inspection and occupational safety and health management in Ukraine. EU-OSHA looks forward to working with our partners in the State Labour Service of Ukraine and the ILO to support this process and to make our region a safer, healthier and more productive place to work.

During EU-OSHA’s mission to Ukraine, we were also invited to participate in the 3rd Scientific Conference on Risk Management in Kiev, organized by the State Labour Service of Ukraine and the Industrial Safety Magazine, “Health”. EU-OSHA was given an opportunity to present some information on the legal framework and process of risk assessment in the EU, which is an important issue for Ukraine following the signature of the Association Agreement. The conference was well attended by OSH professionals, social partners and researchers and the questions and discussions were lively and interesting.

EU-OSHA would like to thank our colleagues in Ukraine for the opportunity to participate in these events and we look forward to more opportunities to collaborate in the future.

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