Low-voltage filter-ventilator unit «ТЕМP-NT-M»


Low-voltage filter-ventilator unit «ТЕМP-NT-M»

Codevelopment of MNTTS «ТЕМP», NTUU «KPI» and Paton Electric Welding Instituteof NAS of Ukraine         

Research supervisor – Doctor of Technical Science, Professor Levchenko O. H.

tel.: +38(044) 406-82-30,+38 097-699-22-97

E-mail: levchenko.opcb@ukr.net

Filter-ventilator unit «ТЕМP-NT-M» belongs to the cutting-edge means of local ventilation. «ТЕМP-NT-M» provides contaminated air extraction from the hard-to-reach places, its high-quality purification and collected dust localization.

The unit is aimed at welding aerosols and other harmful contaminants disposal out of the working area, the following air clearing and recirculation in the working areas.

FVA «ТЕМП-NТ-М» is supplied with filters which provide purification from particulate pollutants. If applicable, the unit is supplied with an additional filtering degree which provides purification from nitrogen, fluorine toxic volatile compounds, etc.

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