The discipline belongs to the cycle of vocational and practical training.

The legislative, regulatory, organizational, technical and hygienic basics of labor protection necessary for future professionals to perform their professional duties, to provide  safe and healthy working conditions at individual workplaces and in   work collectives, taking into account the characteristics of the future trade and possible on primary positions, are the subject of discipline “Basics of labor protection”.

Formation sense of  responsibility  concerning personal and collective security as well  the formation at students of abilities (competencies) that will provide them with  necessary level of safety in the workplace and  in work collectives in the upcoming professional activity on the primary positions  it is the aim  discipline “Basics of labor protection”.

For the study of the discipline is given 45 hours / 1,5 credit ECTS. The discipline consists of a loan of the same name of the module. Recommended allocation of teaching time: full-time education (lectures – 10 hrs., laboratory works or  practical classes – 8 hrs., independent work of students – 9 hrs; certification per semester – oral exam), extramural studies (lectures – 4 hrs., practical classes – 4 hrs., independent work of students – 19 hrs., certification per semester – oral exam).

Educational-methodical maintenance of discipline

1. Tkachuk K.N., Halimovsky M.A., Zatsarny V.V/ et al. / Basics of labor protection:

Textbook.  - K.: Basis, 2006. – 448 p.

2. Tkachuk K.N., Zatsarny V.V. et al. / Labor protection and industrial safety: Textbook. -Kiev: Libra, 2010.- 558 p.

3. Workshop on labor protection / Ed. V.TS. Zhidetsky. Lviv: Aficha, 2000. – 352 p.

Description of the module credit «Basics of occupational safety »

Abstract to Lectures on the credit module of “Basics of occupational safety”